Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sibling Gifts

Pop Quiz:  What store three days before Christmas has amazing deals on books and toys and is practically empty?

Answer: Your local thrift store, or at least mine was!

We started a new tradition this year with our children.

Big D wanted to teach our children about giving to each other and not just receiving. He came up with this idea about 4 days before Christmas. We had already spent more than we had decided on and dragging three kids into a store at this point sounded like a ' fun' day at Disneyland on Thanksgiving break.  I was feeling a wee bit stressed, though I didn't disagree with the gesture.

After my sons basketball game, we decided to take a trip to the thrift store to look at aquariums. My oldest son has been dying to get a bearded dragon.  I'm not to keen on the idea, another story...Anyhow, while we were in there I had the idea, 'why don't the kids pick out their gifts for each other here?' I mean what other store 3 days before Christmas is empty and has amazing deals on books and toys?

After a bit of rummaging we found some amazing gifts that all the kids genuinely enjoyed.
Bolt: Sanitized in the Front Loader, the 2 year old has a new obsession with him.
Firetruck: Added some new batteries and its louder and more obnoxious than you'd expect!

8 year old LOVES all of these! Paper airplane book was never used.
For my Barbie Lover
Pirate Ship, you can't go wrong.

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